Thursday, May 16, 2013

Краткий анализ использования методики создания образовательного Интернет-ресурса для развития аудитивных умений с использованием социального сервиса Podcast и Audacity.

   С интересом прошла обучение на дистанционном курсе «Аудирование в ЕГЭ: Podcast и Audacity» на
  Говоря об оценке эффективности применения данной методики,хочется отметить следующее:
методика способствует большей дифференциации при обучении аудированию и может быть использована при дистанционном обучении, самостоятельной подготовке к сдаче экзамена.
  В то же время, создание собственных аудиоресурсов при помощи данных сервисов имеет ряд недостатков:
  Так как мы, учителя, не являемся носителями языка, начитанные нами тексты  не являются аутентичными и их следует использовать лишь при отсутствии альтернативы.
  При использовании в сервисе Podcast материалов других авторов, мы сталкиваемся с нарушениями авторских прав.
  Работа по подготовке данного ресурса является очень трудоемкой, в то же время не совсем понятно, оправдаются ли эти усилия.
  Тем не менее, считаю знакомство с данными сервисами полезным, так как они открывают массу возможностей для, допустим, проектной работы.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tasks A8-A15

1. Pre-listening task.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form the word that fits in the gap:
1) He is recognized as one of the most ... photographers in his field. CREATE
2) I took great ... in the images. PROUD
3) The darkroom ... at the college was a professional photographer. TECHNIQUE
4) He told me what ... I needed.  EQUIP
5) All of them have their habits and ... . ECCENTRIC
6) The camera had a cheap plastic lens which made everything go fuzzy and ... . DREAM
7) I sent the pictures into a ... . COMPETE
8) I can only imagine what the future ... will be like. PERFORM

Check your answers

2. Now listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
А8. The idea of becoming a photographer
1)   came to Chris after seeing big sculptures.
2)   was the result of his work with sculptures.
3)   made him lose interest in sculptures.

A9. Chris assisted the photographer who
1)  had the latest photographic equipment.
2) gave Chris valuable professional advice.
3)  used to ask Chris challenging questions.

   A10. According to Chris, working as an assistant is a good way into a career because you can
1)       get a better understanding of the profession.
2) learn the basic techniques of taking pictures.
3) make friends with a lot of talented people.

A11. The reason for buying a plastic camera was that it
1)       allowed him to take original pictures.
2)   was not very expensive.
3)   was light to carry around.

A12. Chris uses the phrase "That got the ball rolling" to say that
1)   he became popular with the dancers.
2)  he suddenly got very rich.
3)  his art became more dance-oriented.

A13. Chris goes to the dance performances because
1)   the choreographer recommends him to see the piece.
2) it is always interesting for him to be at the premiere.
he wants to find the links between them and his work

Answer Key

Task A1-A8

Tasks A1-A7

1. Pre-listening task

Fill in the gap with a prepositition where it's necessary.

go ... a business trip
travel ... plane
check the airport
stay ... a hotel
get used ... queuing
board ... the plane
be unfortunate ... somebody

Check your answers.
Make up your own sentences with the given word combinations.

2. Now listen to the dialogue and do the task.

Al. The job gives Lisa an opportunity to travel abroad.
1) True    2) False        3) Not stated
A2. The check-in process at the airport makes Lisa nervous.
1) True    2) False        3) Not stated
A3. Lisa always feels comfortable during the flight.
1) True    2) False        3) Not stated
A4. When on business trips Lisa doesn't have to work long hours.
1) True    2) False        3) Not stated
A5. On her business trips Lisa signs a Jot of important contracts.
1) True    2) False        3) Not stated
A6. Lisa spends a lot of money in duty-free shops.
I) True     2) False        3> Not stated
A7. There is a computer in the business lounge for passengers who want to do some urgent work.
I) True     2) False        3) Not stated

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Task B1

1. Pre- listening task.
Match the words and their definitions:
1. upset
2. snobbish
3. take for granted
4. grade
5. narrow
6. private
7. case

a)behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people
b) used only by a particular person or groupor available only to them
c) small in widthespecially when compared to how high or long something is
d) very sadworriedor angry about something
e) to expect something always to happen or exist in a particular wayand to not think about any possible problems or difficulties
f) a letter or number that shows the quality of a student's work
g) a situation or set of conditionsespecially one involving a particular person or thing

Check your answers

2. Now listen to 6 speakers and match the speakers and the statements.  

A.  The speaker feels unhappy about changes in her/his former classmates.
B.  The speaker thinks that uniforms give students a tidier look.
C.  The speaker is unhappy with his rich classmates' attitude to expensive gifts.
D.  The speaker says that his school building is inconvenient because of its size.
E.  The speaker says that students prefer casual clothes to school uniform.   
F.  The speaker thinks it depends on the person what type of school is better for her/him.
G.  The speaker thinks private school gives better opportunities to study different subjects.

Answer Key